Saturday, November 29, 2008

What else can one do if someone has Viral Fever

Discussion about the inadvisability of using antibiotics should be held under special heading and are really out of place over here. There is one more thing. There is absolutely NO place for any sort of corticosteriods in the treatment of viral fevers. It may even prove fatal which is particularly tragic under the circumstances since they are not indicated in the first place. They compromise the body immune system even further, thereby increasing the risk of infections that may be almost impossible to cure even with the latest generation of antibiotics.
Usually, the medications that are prescribed causes dryness of the mouth and the tongue may feel parched. Hence it is imperative to drink as much water as is possible. Besides water, which may be admixed with sugar and lemon and salt, etc., to make it tasty since plain water is plain boring if taken too often, especially in such conditions like viral fever where the patient is both miserable and irritable, soft drinks that are preferably without any colours added to them and are at room temperature (cold drinks aggravate the sore throat, running nose and especially cough), fruit juices that have been freshly squeezed may be taken. Soups, particularly chicken soup, is highly recommended as they are tasty, provide enough water and nutrition, and are said to have beneficial effects in such cases. The old adage 'feed a cold and starve a fever holds good. Please do however check with your doctor regarding the food you may or may not take since you may be having some infection where certain food and drinks are an absolute no no.
Since the body becomes lethargic and there is loss of energy and also because the infecting virus spreads through sneezing, it is best if the patient is generally kept confined in a comfortable and airy place as much away from close contact with others. His clothes, particularly his handkerchiefs, are separately washed with good cleaning fluids. It is preferable if the patient uses disposable facial tissue paper which must be disposed off with care. The patient must also not undertake any hard work without getting the doctor's explicit consent first.
The condition tends to cause irritability, as has been mentioned before, and depression apart from feeling miserable, particularly in the first stage of the condition (typically, but not necessarily, the first 24 to 48 hours). The attendants must therefore be understanding and sympathetic. The patient may not be in a mood to take food, and suffers from lack of taste. While food is necessary, there is not much case for force-feeding unless the patient is quite weak even to walk a few steps or get up from the bed after the first 48 hours have passed. Drinking plenty of fluids must however be insisted upon and making it tasty by adding sugar and squash or syrups helps a lot in making the drink palatable to the patient.

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